Tổng tiền thanh toán:
There is a real demand for that in some companies, before going into ERP implementation, they need their team to be trained on the ERP concept or even standard ERP functions. And for those who have implemented Oracle ERP for years, also a demand for re-training their staffs on how to leverage the system is raised. ARON provides these training packages which can be tailored to the requirements of the customers.
To support Oracle ERP customers in maintaining their system smoothly for their daily operations, we provide them our support services. This service serves customers in many communication methods like online support through our support system where customers can send us supporting requests, monitor its resolving status and contact our support center via this website. On-site support is also provided in case of a requirements need to be onsite (please refer to https://aronvn.atlassian.net/ for more information of our support services)